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Lab grown meats are clearly a significant part of our future.

It is humane, safe and enhances food security by reducing the pressure on land used to grow fodder and to rear livestock.

The technology is still very expensive and some years away from mass availability.

I believe that it also has the nutritional diversity concerns which plague salads grown in aquaculture, or vertical farms or, indoor farms. Plants get a vast range of salts from the soil, which in turn we ingest. However, plants do not need all that diversity to grow well and aquaculture nutrient mixes do not have the same diversity. So, it is possible to argue that aquaculture or vertical farm or indoor farm grown vegetables are not as nutritious as organic vegetables grown with natural manure.

The same concern exists for lab grown meats. I will be interested to know how the industry tackles this.

Another food safety concern is in this accompanying article, which talks about gene editing using CRISPR to accelerate the productivity of lab grown meat.

The safety concerns of GM crops are valid for gene edited meat as well.

However, most of the food safety concerns being raised for currently available foods that contain GMOs are wrong. There is insufficient scientific evidence to back them up. For all practical purposes, currently commercially available GMO foods seem to be safe for human consumption.

But then these commercially available GMO crops have been extensively tested for safety.

Crops can also be genetically modified to specifically produce toxins. Such GMO would be toxic and unsafe.

It is unscientific to make a blanket statement that GMO are safe.

The proper scientific statement would be “GMO which have been engineered with the proper intentions and then extensively tested are possibly safe for human consumption”.

Read the article that inspired this post here:

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