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Eggs are considered to be one of the most nutrient rich foods on Earth which benefit people of all ages and genders. It is a real pity when this natural ‘multivitamin’ is turned into a health hazard because of the use of contaminated feed coupled with bad handling and lack of care.

A recent study found that Indian poultry farms followed poor rearing practices and seriously lacked the advanced technical know-how of the US or European nations.

Developed countries generally sterilise the egg surface from contamination especially from Salmonella enteritidis but no such thing is practiced in India and so the risk of egg contamination increases.

Just recently eggs were collected from the domestic market in India and tested and found to contain large amounts of salmonella both on the shell and inside the egg. But the paradox was that fresh eggs collected from farms had less salmonella contamination.

Steps to take to be Safe from Egg Contamination

  • Make an effort to buy fresh farm eggs and try not to buy them from the neighbourhood retailer
  • Never put ready to eat food in containers used to process raw eggs
  • Store eggs separately in your grocery bag and also in the fridge
  • Always keep the temperature of the refrigerator at 33 to 40 degree Fahrenheit or 0.5 degree Celsius to 4.4 degree Celsius
  • Throw away eggs left outside after being kept out of the fridge for two hours.
  • Wash the eggs before refrigerating them and consume them within two weeks.
  • After you take out the eggs from the fridge consume them within a couple of hours.
  • Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and clean surfaces and utensils that have stored raw eggs.


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