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Summary feedback
Tang Orange drink powder is definitely not orange juice because its ingredients list or food label states that it contains just 0.8% of orange fruit powder and not 100% fruit juice.So if you’re drinking a 250 ml or 1 glass of Tang orange juice and if the Tang powder is 0.8%, that translates into having only 1 teaspoon of orange juice entirely. Apart from that, Tang gets its orange flavour from added orange flavours.
A single glass of Tang orange drink, will give you 86 Kcal and 21.4 gms of sugar which is almost 5 teaspoons of sugar whereas a glass of pure orange juice gives you 63 Kcal.
The foodnetindia rating for this product :-
foodnetindia safety rating: 3- (On a scale of 1 to 10 from very unsafe to very safe) 
Generally safe for healthy people in very small servings but unsafe for people having diabetes or other serious health issues or susceptibility to metabolic syndrome.
foodnetindia wholesomeness rating : 2  (On a scale of 1 to 10 from very unbalanced nutrition profile to excellent nutrition profile) 
This food has very little macro or micronutrient diversity. The added sugars and already present sugar is high and can spike your sugar level and high blood sugar drives insulin which is a fat storage hormone.
Ingredients of concern in Tang drink powder

Tang contains 21.4 grams of sugar and 86 KCal in a single glass which is almost six teaspoons of sugar and though 6 teaspoons seems harmless and if you drink Tang everyday then you will be piling up 31,025 extra calories in a year. Whereas a glass of pure orange juice gives you 63 Kcal.
Acidity Regulator IN 330
Citric acid E330 or 330 is added to give a sour taste and also prevent bacterial growth. However, it could damage  your teeth enamel if you kept it in your mouth for long or if you consume soft drinks a lot.
Permitted synthetic Food Colours (171,100,102)
Tang contains artificial colours Tartrazine, which has been associated with both breathing problems and hyperactivity. Another colour present in Tang called “sunset yellow,” also may have a link to hyperactivity.
The yellow colour in Tang makes it look like orange juice, but its effects on the body is very different from orange juice.
It is very clear that Tang is not fruit juice in fact it is an artificial product and we should avoid having artificial food products.
Stabiliser Xanthan gum: IN 415
It is a natural polysaccharide, produced by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris from sugar and molasses used as a thickening agent, stabiliser and emulsifier in many different products. High concentrations bring about flatulence and bloating, due to fermentation by the intestinal microflora (in the same way as all indigestible polysaccharides).
Added Flavour
The brand has not mentioned the exact specification of the flavour used in Tang which we consider irresponsible behaviour, as customers have a right to know what chemicals or additives have been used in their food.
Other ingredients that are in the product but not a major source of concern in our opinion are:
• Orange Fruit Powder (0.8%)
• Minerals (Tri-calcium Phosphate, Ferrous Citrate)

Disclaimer – The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information. foodnetindia encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.
The ingredients list of the products may have changed since this page was published. Consumers are encouraged to read warnings, labels, ingredient lists, etc.
Replies, if any, from the brand, will be published here ‘As is’

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