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Maggi Masala E Magic contains mixed spices [(38.7%) (red chilli powder (7%), onion powder, cumin powder (5.2%), garlic powder, coriander powder, capsicum extract, turmeric powder (3.5%), aniseed (1.4%), black pepper powder (0.9%), fenugreek powder (0.7%, ginger powder, clove powder (0.3%), green cardamom powder (0.3%), nutmeg powder (0.3%), coriander extract & cumin extract)], salt, sugar, flavour enhancer (635), palm oil, edible starch, acidity regulator (330), minerals, caramel salt mix (salt, colour 150d and palm oil and vitamin A) and added natural and artificial flavouring substances (savoury).

It contains an unspecified artificial flavouring substance, and an added colour in it.

The foodnetindia rating for this product :-

foodnetindia safety rating : 8 – (On a scale of 1 to 10 from very unsafe to very safe)

The condiment is a safe one if consumed according to the recommended amount of 2 gm per portion.

foodnetindia wholesomeness rating : 8  – (On a scale of 1 to 10 from very unbalanced nutrition profile to excellent nutrition profile)

It contains many spices and herbs which are good for health, it makes a healthy addition to food. 

Ingredients in Maggi Masala E Magic which are a concern

Added Colour IN 150d

Added Flavour- Savoury

Added Colour 150d

Side effects are manifested from the use of IN150d, where intestinal problems may occur after ingestion of large amounts. Due to the complex nature of the mixtures, toxicology tests are still being carried out.

Caramel coloring may be derived from a variety of source products that are themselves common allergens. As such, persons with known sensitivities or allergies to food products are advised to avoid foods including generic caramel coloring or first determine the source for the caramel coloring before consuming the food.

Added Artificial Flavour- Savoury

This product does not specify the chemical names of the flavours used and does not mention the quantity used either. While we understand that the legal labelling requirements allow this practice, we find it irresponsible that brands do not self disclose.  

Some people are allergic to some of these chemicals and others may want to avoid them. Consumers have a right to know and decide.

Ingredients present in it which are not a concern

  • Mixed spices [(38.7%) (red chilli powder (7%), onion powder, cumin powder (5.2%), garlic powder, coriander powder, capsicum extract, turmeric powder (3.5%), aniseed (1.4%), black pepper powder (0.9%), fenugreek powder (0.7%, ginger powder, clove powder (0.3%), green cardamom powder (0.3%), nutmeg powder (0.3%), coriander exctract & cumin extract)], 
  • Flavour enhancer (635
  • Sugar
  • Salt
  • Palm oil 
  • Edible starch
  • Acidity regulator (330
  • Minerals 
  • Caramel salt mix (palm oil and vitamin A) 

Disclaimer – The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information. foodnetindia encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.

The ingredients list of the products may have changed since this page was published. Consumers are encouraged to read warnings, labels, ingredient lists, etc.

Replies, if any, from the brand, will be published here ‘As is’

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